Our philosophy of theater education is to instill the importance of being excellent storytellers as imitators of Christ. Every part of the presentation should work in harmony to create a believable, relatable story to the audience. Our Cardinal Company culture places an emphasis on students driving our productions. Along with this, our aim is to be fiscally responsible with what is entrusted to us -- nothing is rented, very few items are purchased new - most things are either crafted or obtained second hand. The students sketch designs, make plans and create sets, build props, program lights, research makeup and hairstyles, design and compile information for the printed program, and assist in costume design and fabrication. They take ownership of stage blocking and choreography. The crew is an integral part of each production - involved from the very start. Trouble-shooting, problem-solving, thrift, adaptability, communication, perseverance - all traits helpful for a successful production, but also necessary life skills. Students are fully invested in the process and take great pride and ownership of the final product. As our Company continues to grow, there are opportunities open for everyone - this is the first or second production for many of our actors, including some of the leads! Our school is all about community; therefore, we have a unique opportunity as a private PK-12 school to include middle school students in our high school productions. This is beneficial in growing our program from the bottom up and it gives our younger students opportunities to learn from the older ones and to form friendships, making the transition to high school easier. In addition to middle school members, our company continues to engage beloved staff members for cameo appearances. Because we are a faith-based institution, we recognize that creative abilities are a gift and our responsibilities of stewardship. We have included both our deep hope, mission and vision statements as an encapsulated representation of who we are.