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Kingdom Education

Our deep hope is that the FWC community shines Christ’s light as we ALL grow in Him and reflect our Creator to one another.

At Fort Worth Christian, our deepest hope is that our students would learn to know and love God as their personal Lord and Savior. We take the responsibility of educating our students through the lens of a biblical worldview very seriously. In order to advance the mission and vision of our school, thus ultimately impacting the Kingdom, the way in which we approach Kingdom Education is critical. Therefore, we encompass the following beliefs and framework to fulfill our calling in equipping students for a lifetime of faith, service, and leadership for Christ.

Kingdom Education

Our foundational purpose of existing as a school is the calling for us to provide a Kingdom education. FWC aligns with author Glen Schultz by defining kingdom education as:

Kingdom education is a life-long, Bible-based, Christ-centered process of leading a child to Christ, building a child up in Christ, and equipping a child to serve Christ.

We often refer to kingdom education as a three-legged stool representing the home, the church, and the school. When these three areas of a student’s life work in tandem and alignment with one another, it is only then that we can impact the development of a student's foundational worldview. As a school, we take this charge very seriously. 

Every student will develop a worldview that then shapes their beliefs, values, and actions. At FWC, we believe that our role in education is a primary factor in the development of an individual’s worldview. This is the essence of why regardless of content area or activity, our staff and faculty teach, coach, and engage students to see the world and each other through the lens of a biblical worldview.


Teaching for Transformation

To assist us in our approach of engaging with students through the lens of a biblical worldview, we embrace an educational framework known as Teaching for Transformation (TfT). This framework extends beyond the confines of the classroom, extending to student’s extra-curricular activities and relationships, therefore, becoming an opportunity for growth and deeper connection with the world around them. 

The TfT framework consists of several elements that can be seen and heard throughout every classroom and building across campus.



Deep Hope represents why a teacher followed the call to teach at Fort Worth Christian School. It aligns with the desires that you as parents have for your children when you enroll them in our school. It reflects the promises contained within the school’s mission and vision statement and points to God's Story. Within Teaching for Transformation, it is the first question the teacher asks when designing learning experiences for their students: "What is my deep hope?" It is the North Star that guides both teachers and students on their learning journey at Fort Worth Christian.



Once teachers and students are invited to see the story, a TfT classroom provides opportunities for learners to live the story. Formational Learning Experiences (FLEx) are opportunities for the learner to engage in "real work that meets a real need for real people", allowing them to respond to God's call to be active, restorative and creative in His story of redeeming love.
It is through the practice of engaging in meaningful school work that the student forms a vision and desire to live within God's story. As engagement and motivation increase, so does a student's mastery of curricular content.



Within Teaching for Transformation's framework, the learning of every classroom is rooted in a compelling vision of the kingdom. The fundamental purpose of the core practice storyline is to connect the learning and the learners to God's story.

Using language and imagery that connects both to the curriculum and the kingdom story, Storyline ensures learners see the story that invites them to be a part of how God is making all things new. 



At FWC, formational learning experiences push beyond mastery of curriculum. They form habits of living and shape who we are. Throughlines are discipleship habits and practices that help students, teachers and parents imagine what it means to be a disciple within God's story. They articulate a vision of how our school's graduates will live.

So, as learners are provided opportunities to engage in real work, they are given direction on how to engage--as beauty creators, for example. The practice of our ten throughlines shapes the learning and sparks a desire within the learners to actively play their role in the formation of culture.
